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Angela Rayner Hints At Major Social Housing Announcement

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naomi24 | 14:07 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | News
27 Answers

//Angela Rayner has given her strongest hint yet that Labour will announce a major package of social housebuilding in next month’s spending review...Labour has promised to build 1.5m new homes over the course of the parliament, but experts say this will not be possible without finding money to build at least 90,000 socially rented houses and flats in England every year.//


Which money tree wlll they be shaking for this one?



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Ah,so it was ok for Rishi to borrow it?

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Essential.  Covid wasn't going to wait for extra taxes to roll in.

I think webbo meant to say 42 an hour 

Excluding weekends and bank holidays, 252 work days a year x 5 is 1,260 work days. 1.5m new houses / 1,260. 

If my maths is correct(ish), that's 1,190 new homes a day. 

How the hell do they think they're going to achieve that?

//How the hell do they think they're going to achieve that?//

They don't - please refer to NJ's take on politicians' pronouncements.😂

She'll make the anouncement (easy) and fail as they all have done and she will be the stooge that takes the blame when labour are to hell and gone - the sooner the better.

 Net migration into Britain at over 2 million in the last 10 years. Could there be a connection to this requirement I wonder ?

Watching "Homes under the Hammer" it seems every other decent sized family home being sold at auction is turned into a 4/5/6+ bedroom "house of multiple occupancy".

And the rooms rent for £500+ per month!

Is this where we are heading, communal living? Maybe hostels with dormatories will become the norm?

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Angela Rayner Hints At Major Social Housing Announcement

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