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ToraToraTora | 09:47 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | News
12 Answers

Why do they care so much about their rear end?

We've gone from "Does my bum look big in this" to "Please make my bum look big in anything" - Unbelievable.



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Poor woman. I expected to read that this was in Turkey were so many go for these procedures. I really cannot comprehend why anyone does this...I'd think the right exercises would get a decent result.

I simply don't understand why anyone would want a big behind.  To put your health at risk for a fashion fad is crazy.

I don't understand it either.  In a different news report it is clear she has had a few different procedures, all unnecessary.  Does it become an obsession?  Unhappy with one part of your body, so fix it - still unhappy, so fixate on something else.  It seems to be a vicious cycle for so many people.

Absolutely tragic for her family.  I wish people would know they are good enough and leave cosmetic surgery to burns and accident victims. 

Unfortunately, many people suffer from some form of body dismorphia. And many of those who do will go to extreme lengths to get what they consider to be the correct shape. I feel for her partner and her five girls.

So sad..😮‍💨

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MAABOF, I posted on this case some weeks ago. She had both her legs broken in order to be taller, unbelievable:


TTT - I've just read that article about the woman wanting to be taller, god I'm literally wincing reading it!! Sounds completely horrendous!!

They just want something behind them to fall back on.


One might have hoped everyone was aware of the risk by now. Especially those contemplating it, would actually look into it first.

I may have posted this before but it bears repetition :-


The way to wind up a woman who asks,"Does my bum look big in this" is to reply,"Not as big as in the one you wore yesterday"

There's a storyline very similar to this on Corrie at the moment- Bethany went to Turkey for some sort of cosmetic treatment which went wrong and is in a Turkish hospital ICU and needs a stoma for life....maybe she had the same procedure.

Maybe a coincidence.

Brazilian B -  L here

Suck fat out of one place and inject it into the buttocks. 

Her leg scars look horrendous - obvious infection at some point

newmod, Bethany had liposuction on her stomach, a brutal procedure.

This lady did not have a fat transfer, she had chemical fillers injected, supposed to be safer than harvesting fat from parts of her body to inject in to her backside 

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