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Guess Where The Money Is Going While Our Pensioners Are Freezing This Winter.....

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ToraToraTora | 15:28 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | News
27 Answers

Yep here's the list of the top 20. The no 1 will come as no surprise but look at nos 3,4 and 5, yep we are funding Islamic extremists! Labour's favourite people, they just can't help it can they?



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It should come as no surprise to you though TTT that these 2023 figures are from when the Tories were in office, so nothing to do with Labour.

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...welll they are the government, they are not reversing it, instead they continue to pay billions to foriegners whilst cutting the WFA.

Oooops, shot yourself in the foot there.  You just can't help it, can you ?

😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  

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have a day off canary, we've been dolling out dosh to foriegners for ever and I have always been against it regardless of government. I'd hoped the new government would prioritise the indiginous population. fat chance.

why dont YOU have a bloody day off with all your whinging?

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getting de ja vu are we?

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14 years of it from the lefties and you're fine, 3 months of it from me and you're done. PMSL!

Inundated with begging ads on TV for black kids this that and the other - starving, cleft, eye problems, dirty water, etc etc.

Just STOP having kids if you can't look after them!!

The trouble is, ToraToraTora, you should be boring for England, not wasting your time on AB.

So being as the figures were from the Tory's time in charge, does thanks mean that the Islamic Extremists are the Conservatives favourite people too. Looks like politicians can't help it, no matter which party their from.

Poster makes error of judgement then goes full devil-dog as per, snarling and foaming at the mouth.

You would think a superior brain might devote its time to something more worthwhile than moaning.

It's galling to see all that money going abroad when our own pensioners have been stripped of their paltry winter fuel allowance.

To be fair, Tora, I imagine this list would have been no different had the Tories been in government. All politicians seem to get a kick out of spending other people's money, especially when it's on foreigners.

The title given to these funds ("Official Development Assistance") is misleading. Virtually none of these recipient countries are "developing". Most of them are regressing - some at an alarming rate. They would continue to do so however much of other people's money is thrown at them.

One other thing is a bit of a worry. That list only adds up to about £1.5bn. So where does the other £13.5bn go?

Well looking at film of Lebanon on tv just now i see most of them driving about in Mercs and BMWs.Where do these people get this money from?

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16:56 see 16:47

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17:48 yes of course it's the same and I have had a go at them many times too. I'd have thought that a new government would take the opportunity to cut it rather than cutting the WFA.

ynnafymmi,  driving about in Mercs and BMWs.Where do these people get this money from? probably from the uk child benefits by a few migrants who fled then returned once they were given uk benefits, rent out council property, disibility benefit of some sort...lot's of scams, still paying poles in poland 20 odd yrs later child benefit, children probably have their own kids now...


That's not answering my question Tora. You picked out Labour as loving Islamic extremists based on information based on your lot's time running the show. 

Does this mean you have been supporting terrorist funding friends of Islam all this time? Just be pretty galling for you.

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It is galling I have moaned about it many times in the past. I'd hoped a new government would stop it. Espevially as they keep going on about a black hole.

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