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Pension Credit , Damn

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SparklyKid | 14:36 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

a couple of quid short .  it seems to open a lot of goodies for free .



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On average it is worth £3k a year, less for some but could be much more. You can have £10k savings without it affecting pension credit. 

Teach you to put some by for your retirement.

The message now is spend it all and sit back for the freebies from the Government.

You're right for people in your position.

Everyone on the full 'new' pension is around £4 over the limit

It was ever so.

not for WFA it wasn't

That's not the message,young.

Everyone on the new state pension doesn't qualify for the freebies.

I'm not on the 'new pension', nor is OH - but we each made the mistake of saving a bit and investing in what now appear to be smallish pensions ---- looked good at the time.  Let's face it £15 was a decent income and allowed for usual small inflation rates. We know what happened and this latest lot of pay rises will make us even worse off.

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Pension Credit , Damn

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