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Favourite Madonna Song

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Hopkirk | 09:11 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Music
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Lady Madonna by The Beatles

Question Author

I see what you did there

Not a big fan - "Like a Virgin" is dire - but I do like the video of "La Isla Bonita".


I think we all saw what Douglas did there! 😉

Like a Prayer

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I think at the moment mine is Material Girl 

Dear jesse

take a bow

I like this one....


or maybe true blue

can't decide!

In the first verse it sounds like she sings:

"Young girl with eyes like potatoes"  (0:35) !

I could be wrong with Cherish and that papa one 

according to the question below it was take a bow in 2015, so ill stick with that!

Definitely has to be this club remix of 'Ray of Light'.

Bangin', as we say in the trade............  🤩

Oh Father.


Thanks TB 

It would be interesting to see a before/after infra red image of the house , to see any heat loss 

I think Borderline too.

You'll see

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Favourite Madonna Song

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