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Best Dehumidifier For Purchase?

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Karamia | 18:45 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

I am currently looking into buying a plug in dehumidifier which is something I have never had before, but think I need for a bedroom that seems to be coldest part of house and in need of something more than windows being opened. I need a plug in one but hope they do not need hoses to outside vents etc. Have seem a few but not sure I am great judge, so hoping someone may have a great option that they recommend at a reasonable cost maybe either side of £100 (but preferably under obvs!)

Any suggestions or recommendations welcome.



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How damp is the room? Just a bit of condensation on the windows after a cold night or visible mould on woodwork and walls?

There are two types of domestic dehumidifiers, compressor and desiccant wheel. Compressor types are noisy and do not work at low temps. Desiccant types cost a little more to run but are quieter and emit warm air and work in cold rooms. Both have a tank to collect the condensate which you have to empty.



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Condensation on windows always a problem but think it starting to cause damp too now. Need to do something to help situation.

Saw one online from range for around £90 was 10L but don't know if any good.

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Several years ago I bought a Challenge dehumidifier from Argos (it's own-brand, I think) and it's been great - takes a huge amount of water out of the air.  Don't scrimp and buy a small one, you need a decent size.

The one I got is similar to this:

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