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Surviving October 7Th ... One For The Aplogists To Watch.....

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ToraToraTora | 22:45 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers

Was on BBC 2 this evening, now on iPlayer.

Watch it and know why Israel in doing what it's doing.



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We know why they retaliated but not why they think it's working and still ploughing on and whether the collateral damage is worth it

I think killing thousands and demolishing Gaza is enough revenge no need to carry on with genocide.    The jews contantly bang on about the holocaust but have no promblem committing it on others

johnk : It isn't often reported but do you do realise that tens of thousands of Israelis in the north have had to flee their homes and are living in camps and any accomodation they can find elsewhere because they have been suffering  daily bombardments of Iran supplied rockets delivering death and destruction?

Finally the Israeli goverment has said, "Enough is enough", and that is why they have to attack and exterminate Hezbollah - who are actually occupying land which rightfully belongs to the Jews anyway.  

What land does Hezbollah occupy "that rightfully belongs to the Jews"?

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so not very much from our terrorist groupies then, I wonder why!

Any discussion which refuses to see the October 7th occurrence in a wider context is going nowhere.

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says the the guy who calls them freedom fighters. Watch the film Sandy, I dare you.

Whichever way you look at it there's a wider context but that doesn't justify 7 October. 

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All this lefty BS about land, it's been Israel for 5000 years 3500 years before Islam even existed. Now Sandy and other apologists tell me how they have the right to commit the attrocities they did on Oct 7th.

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at it there's a wider context but that doesn't justify 7 October. 

er do I detect that 7 Oct justifies Israel flattening absolutely anywhere ? - and anyone

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Surviving October 7Th ... One For The Aplogists To Watch.....

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