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Rochdale's Giant Baby

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drmorgans | 09:50 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers


Apparently the 27' baby puppet is scaring the townsfolk of Rochdale:

The idea is that schoolchildren will talk to "Lilly" about their role in looking after nature and the environment.

Or maybe not.




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I have to admit, it looks very creepy.

While not wanting a giant baby in the town is reasonable, the issue, as described, suggests that the residents of Rochdale are easily disturbed.

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Them tough up t'north, OG


Here's something important about the environment, not cluttering it up with giant freaky dolls.

Surprising they managed to sneak a pale one past social reviewers all the same.

That, for children, is the stuff of nightmares.  Whichever brain of Britain decided on that needs sacking.

Clearly channelling her inner Chucky.

'' conversations have been recorded and will be broadcast from the baby''


That will be terrifying!

Jeez, that thing's not scary enough.

Who thought that would be a good idea?

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Rochdale's Giant Baby

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