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Mrs Justice Tipples - Hang Your Head In Shame....

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ToraToraTora | 14:26 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | News
18 Answers

Why are we so concerned about the walfare of murdering low life scum? I don't care how old ther are, they are wronguns. She considered that: //their welfare as more important than the overriding principle of "seeing justice to be done".// Should such a person be anywhere near the judges bench?



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What can you tell us about the evidence presented by both sides relating to the application to lift the anonymity?

James Bulger's killers were named and look how much that has cost us in protecting their identities on release.

The judge is following the guidelines, it is very rare for juvenile murderers to be named.

The 16 year olds who murdered Brianna Ghey have not been named.


A life for a life.

TTT would see the murdering low life scum  hung.

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How do you know what my position is canary? Go on find where I have supported capital punishment. I'll help you I have supported it in certain curcumstances, not these. I also think that  we can dispense with CP if life meant life. In my opinon, like the Bulger murderers these are wronguns that will never be fit to live in society, they should be locked away for life. Anyway I do not want to turn this into a CP debate.

Thanks, TheWinner, my mistake.

It is the norm for reporting restrictions not to be lifted, though 

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barry: "James Bulger's killers were named and look how much that has cost us in protecting their identities on release." - which is another reason why life should mean life.

Mary Bell has led a decent, quiet life since her release in 1980. She was found guilty of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility after killing two boys when she was 11.

Should she have been kept in prison until she died?

After listening to her babbling on yesterday, I felt so sorry for the poor little mites that I think they should be set free and given compensation.


yes, because she has read the Children Act and you havent. the interest of the children are paramount - she was just saying the public interest element didnt outweight it.

another dumb thread

 "James Bulger's killers were named... is another reason why life should mean life.

you put someone in prison for life because naming them is expensive? good one

ABers - you know the OP teaches logic dont you?


look at his picture, hood up and a balaclava

Following guidelines perhaps?

Question Author

PP: "you put someone in prison for life because naming them is expensive? good one" - no, if you put someone in prison for life you don't have to bother with all the new identity cobras. Nice leap of illogic.

Unfortunately, Tora, Mrs Justice Tipples (and PP) is correct. See below the Sentencing Council's "Overarching Principles":

In particular para 2.7:

The welfare of the offender

 By section 44 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, “Every court in dealing with a child or young person who is brought before it, either as an offender or otherwise, shall have regard to the welfare of the child or young person, and shall in a proper case take steps for removing him from undesirable surroundings, and for securing that proper provision is made for his education and training”.

There was a report I saw on the telly yesterday dealing with the sentencing of these two odious scroats and the reporter said that, because of their age, the judge and lawyers in the court removed their wigs and gowns. Mustn't frighten the poor darlings.  

How do you know what my position is canary?

yes Canary - no one else does! - including a lorra the time, TTT himself haw haw haw

the judge and lawyers in the court removed their wigs and gowns. Mustn't frighten the poor darlings.  

yes or no - it started with a terrorist trial 1970s - Guildford Four ( guildford 5 1/2) when one of the co-accused was 10 and another 9 at an adult trial

and twenty y later when they were acquitted latterly - they  commented " none of us knew what was going on. We spent alot of  time playing 'hangman' and  fencing with our pens as tho they were quills"  ( as the adults argued above them)

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