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Twitchy Eye

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curlyfries81 | 15:26 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
9 Answers

A nerve under my left eye has been twitching all day. Anyone got a quick-fix? 



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Thank you for the link. I guessed it would be down to tiredness. I cannot seem to sleep beyond 02:30 to 03:00 each day.

Perhaps a change in your daily routine might help with getting rid of the tiredness?

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I'm doing all the right things. I rarely drink alcohol, caffine intake is minimal (one cup of tea in the morning) and I have tried everything I can think of. I'm sure it's just a phase but I do feel exceptionally tired today. 

It won't do any harm to have a word with your GP.

Just keep an eye on it.


Hopefully it'll be ok tomorrow.

Do you imput lots of data at work using a screen? It could be eye strain due to that.

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No, there's very little screen time involved in my job.

Thanks, Old_Geezer, will keep an eye on it 😀 

Oh hun, that sounds absolutely dreadful! My cousin went through something similar and thought she was having a stroke. Thankfully, she works for the NHS, and the doctor on duty figured out it was just eyestrain from inputting patient records for too long. He advised her to take a five-minute break at least every hour. So important to look after ourselves, isn’t it? 💖👩‍⚕️

Have you been taking regular breaks

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