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ToraToraTora | 20:43 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | News
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Since the Houthis were attacking international shipping of various nations it seems shaming the response hasn't already been achieved ages ago, and that it has been left to the Israelis.

The TV appeals for aid to Yemen really get my goat - just tell the dummies to STOP KILLING EACH OTHER!

And yes - nations whose shipping has been affected should be taking on the Houthis.

They deserve all they got.

I thought the US/UK had sorted some bases there a while back?

But yes, we all have a lot to thank Israel for whilst our politcal dummies all fiddlw about.

Nice to see the Far Right of AB applauding calling humans, vermin - now what is the German word for that - would untermenschen fit ?

If you dehumanise a group ( houthis = vermin) then your conscience wont bother you when you kill them

I understand your objection: but definition 2 ?



//then your conscience wont bother you when you kill them//

Does their conscience bother them when they kill people?

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PP: "If you dehumanise a group ( houthis = vermin) then your conscience wont bother you when you kill them" - a bit like Islam does with the rest of us then.

Those people are already dehumanised.  No normal human being would do what they do.  I don't think we need worry about extending the slightest respect to them.

It souds like some people think it's alright to copy their behaviour.

//It souds like some people think it's alright to copy their behaviour.//

Or simply stop their behaviour?

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