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Help! Wine Cooler Or Wine Cabinet

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curiousvinolover | 09:01 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Home & Garden
3 Answers

I want the proper storage solution and can't decide between a wine cabinet and a wine cooler. Are they the same? What's the difference, and which one is better? Thanks



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In the meantime, is it red or white? Do you want to store it, cool it or chill it?

I am pasting this "It is important that when storing your wine you keep them out of sunlight and in a dark, cool space. Wine cupboards can protect your wine from sunlight, but are not a good option for cooling your wine or maintaining humidity levels"

A wine cooler is a modified fridge designed to keep white wine cool.  You can buy them fairly cheaply,  A wine cabinet should have the facility to keep both red and white wine at their correct temperatures and are very expensive.  You can get cheaper wine cabinets for red wine.  

Alternatively you can buy a cheaper, portable two bottle unit that works very well like this one .  Choose one that has a range of temperatures suitable for all types of wine

I see you can buy dual zone wine cabinets cheaper than I thought.  I don't know how good they are

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