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One Life

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naomi24 | 22:27 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

The story of Nicholas Winton, the man responsible for saving 699 children from Nazi invaded Czechoslovakia. Just watched it - with an abundance of tissues at the ready - and necessary.  A really lovely movie.





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I really want to see that.  Where did you watch it?  I cancelled Sky Cinema, but we do have Netflix and Amazon Prime.

I still get teared up when I see the That's Life clip.

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I watched it on Sky.  

blimey Schindler was on this  evg ( 29th) - wasnt winton the one who wouldnt talk about it as he  thought he  should  have saved more?

and thirdly - Varians War WIlliam Hurd 2001 I see, pretty terrible - Hurd portrays him as a buffoon ( well it is a film) and of course buffoons dont achieve this  sort  of thing

Saw this film at the cinema and thought it was wonderful. Definitely needed the tissues.

I watched the BBC documentary eabout this wonderful man a few years ago, it was excellent.

We went to the Cinema to watch it and thought it was superb, thinking of buying the dvd

We watched it on Prime, brilliant film

It was one of the nicest films I've ever seen.  I watched it on Prime. When he was in the audience of Esther Rantzen's programme I sobbed.

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