I am thinking about buying an I-Trip for my I pod. It says that to use it in this country you need a Broadcasting Licence Is this a TV Licence ? If not How do i get a licence for it ???
Tech. I-Trips are illegal in the UK, Icant remember the reason why,,,,,,,,,and if you do use one then u dont need a license if its illegal and to be honest even if you did need one, how the heck are they going to trace it anyway.
right i know they were illegal but i work for a major electrical retailer and we have just started selling them. i cant find anywhere what the price of a license to use one are. All we have been told by our superiors is to let the customer know they need to buy a license to use it. if anyone can tell me how much it is to buy a license i would be greatful.
I-Trips and other low power FM transmitters are currently illegal for use in the UK under the various Wireless Telegraphy Acts but are to be exempted from licensing in the very near future, thus allowing devices of this sort (provided they comply with specific technical requirements) to be operated without a licence.
well kempie its not Gobbledegook, as currently they are illegal in the very near future they may not be, but obv. Ofcom dont know what they are talking about as they are the government regulators ;-)