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I Made It And It Was Easier Than I Thought.....

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ToraToraTora | 09:24 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

This is the last day of my dry September. I'm thinking about Carrying on now. I have no plans to go out till Friday anyway. I've missed the social interaction mainly. I never go to pubs and clubs etc when I'm on the wagon because they are so dull without a sherbet.



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Well done! I actually gave up alcohol completely about 5 months ago (purely because it was mixing badly with my meds) and it's amazing how many things revolve around it! Dinner/overnight  stay at the in-laws. Always a boozy  affair. This time everyone drinking apart from me, all finding everything on tv absolutely hilarious - apart from me lol...... the amount of tv ads that includes alcohol is unbelievable but u don't notice till you're  not drinking lol. 

You might as well carry on until Christmas. Who knows, you might decide not to bother then.  I used to drink a bit too much but haven't done so for months. 
I don't sleep well but alcohol makes it worse. 

Not an issue with me at all. Take it or leave it. I prefer to leave it.

Don't get me wrong, I miss my white wine, but I don't miss how I feel the nxt morning. My body just cannot cope with it anymore.

Well done!

I haven't touched strong drink since the 4th February.

When I'm having a meal in a pub I wash it down with sparkling water.

-- answer removed --

Well done Sandy x

1. how much weight have you lost?

2. how much grey brain matter?

3. your bank account must be overflowing?

4. Sleep improvement?

5. Humour?



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I Made It And It Was Easier Than I Thought.....

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