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Fire Risk Assessment

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EEZABLADE32 | 09:27 Thu 08th Jun 2023 | Home & Garden
7 Answers
we are a set of 6 self contained flats. Would like an F R A but not sure how to get one or who to ask. Any ideas appreciated.


Tony L


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For obtaining a Fire Risk Assessment, I recommend reaching out to a professional service. They really helped me out with my situation. You can check out this link for more information: https://lo
12:18 Mon 30th Sep 2024
Local Fire brigade?
If you are in England or Wales your building is legally required to have a fire risk assessment. This is usually the responsibility of the freeholder or management company so check with them to make sure it hasn't been done and to remind them of their responsibilities.
"we are a set of 6 self contained flats"

When you say that do you mean that we are tenants or the owners ?
We have the same situation- a house converted into 6 flats with a common parts area. We realised 10 years ago that this was a legal requirement and put it into place annually from then. There is a company we use who carry it out each year. I just Googled for companies in our local area.

I don't know how much you have looked into this but the FRA scope includes:

The FRA only applies to the common parts - entrance to the block, hall, stairways etc and access from the flats to the common parts i.e. each flat must have a self-closing approved fire door.

The interior of the flats are deemed to be the tenants responsibility but we require each flat to have a heat detector which will activate the main fire alarm system in the common parts plus a separate smoke alarm not connected to the main system.

Inspection of the main fire alarm system and it requires evidence that the system is maintained and has had regular tests and that the tests are properly documented. Also that the system emergency lighting works. These should have been checked by a qualified electrician and certificates issued.

All appropriate signage is in place and clearly visible at all points (directions to the fire exit, location of assembly point, no smoking).

A check that the common parts are free of obstructions.

Identifying any potential fire hazards.

There are an adequate number of fire call points properly located.

We receive a report c. 40 pages detailing required actions and recommendations at around a cost of £200.

Another survey you are legally required to carry out is an asbestos survey, usually this is a one-time survey.

Hope this is of some help.
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Thx, all excellent replies and will be acted on.

For obtaining a Fire Risk Assessment, I recommend reaching out to a professional service. They really helped me out with my situation. You can check out this link for more information:

Question Author

Thx, will try that.

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