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Labour Mp Knocking On Doors In New Hampshire

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webbo3 | 13:24 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | News
6 Answers

What is she doing in America/

The left have been banging on about Nigel Farage and Clacton.



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She says she's trying to stop Trump winning! She's probably having the reverse effect!

And the reaction there must be who??

May as well send a congressman or 2 here to campaign for Labour. 

I presume she was doing it for fun.

Possibly combining her work with a study on the autumnal colours as leaves lose their ultra-left green identity for more centre-left reds and yellows.

Any suggestion that this is simply a funded holiday should be completely ignored as right-wing jealousy at not having thought of it first.

What the heck is a British politician doing trying to control American politics ? She wouldn't want them meddling here.

the sign says salem ,,so she is in the right place

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Labour Mp Knocking On Doors In New Hampshire

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