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Does Anyone Have Any Nice Holidays Planned?

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naomi24 | 11:10 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
44 Answers

After waking this morning to a chilly, icy landscape some posts to warm us all up would be welcome.  



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jourdain: You need that break, he'll be fine. Enjoy yourself.

No, and goodness knows we need a holiday.  We last went abroad for our honeymoon in 2019 where Mr BM had a stroke.  Since then, there has been one health issue after another where we dare not book anything because of waiting for surgery dates or family illness.  Fingers crossed, we are now through that.  Trouble is, we have so much to do here now that I cannot see us going anywhere until next year.  And now my passport has expired!  :( (I have threatened to clear off by myself for a week to a cottage in Scotland though).

haven't been anywhere for five or six years thanks to health issues (not all mine). I'd love to see Antarctica before it melts.. though that doesn't exactly answer naomi's OP!

Barmid, I can recommend the cottage we rented last week, if you are interested.

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Does Anyone Have Any Nice Holidays Planned?

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