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British Gas Meter Readings

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smurfchops | 13:41 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Business & Finance
12 Answers

Had an email to say l have to take my readings tomorrow 1st October, but on website today it says rates are going up tomorrow.  Can l take them today instead? 



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You can submit readings any time you want to. 

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Thank you.

But it won't save you any money.

Those of us with smart metering don't have these worries, maybe something to consider.

I have seen suggestions that folk should inflate their readings a wee bit to save some money before the increase.

You cannot do that with a smart meter.

If you enter a high reading they may well smell a rat.

"save some money" @13.52...but don't go spending it all on frivolous things. You could well save several shillings (remember them?)

Unit costs are going up by about 2 or 2.5p, so unless you inflate readings significantly or use lots of units, it will not make much of a difference, (and what Atheist said.)

Just done mine 



and if you dont they will estimate (and then do a linear interpolation - forget that last bit - this is AB)


...and if you'd "fixed" into a tariff, it won't be going up at all.

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British Gas Meter Readings

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