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Will George Do Bird?

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sandyRoe | 19:05 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

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Dum-dee dum-dee dum-dee dum, dum-dee dum-dee dum dum...
19:10 Mon 30th Sep 2024

Not heard the latest but I reckon he will.

definately, damn savage!

Dum-dee dum-dee dum-dee dum, dum-dee dum-dee dum dum...

Who knows what can happen in Ambridge.

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I had him down as a bad 'un ever since he brought some sort of pig meat product, bacon flavoured crisps perhaps, into the piggery.

Criminal irresponsibility.

Highly unlikely, far worse than him being let off early these days.

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Will George Do Bird?

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