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How You Fiddling, Nailedit?

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barry1010 | 15:33 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
24 Answers

I think you're back home now, hope all is well



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Barsel, hypnosis has always been a curiosity of mine - I've never known anyone who's had it but have heard many people who swear it can work.

Glad to hear from you, mate ... hang in there, I know it's a struggle but we're all cheering you on xx 🐨

//Sorry Nailedit if Ive used the word rehab instead of detox//

Yeah, know what you mean Smow 😁



//nailedit, have you ever tried hypnosis?//

Have tried self hypnosis...tapes, you tube etc!


Thanks for all replies and good wishes. Appreciated.

Good to see you posting & doing well, nailedit.  My continued best wishes to you 🙂

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