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Yum Yum

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Canary42 | 15:28 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

I've just had a box of lovely pies delivered. The joys of online shopping.



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What sort are they?

I love pies me 😁

Savoury or fruit ?

Question Author

Mostly savoury although I have spoilt myself with one Apple Pie. Others are :-

Roasted Vegetable and Feta

Hot Smoked Trout and Watercress

Chicken, Ham and Leek

Chicken and Mushroom

Cheese and Onion

Mushroom and Asparagus

Squash, spinach and Feta


Are those your meals for the week Canary? They sound lush. I'd eat pies just for the pastry...even though it doesn't always agree with me.

I thought you didn't eat fish, Canary.

Savoury or sweet?

Question Author

I don't know where you got that impression from Tilly (except perhaps I once expressed anti-angling-for-sport feelings possibly, I don't really remember)

Ignore that ^.

I see you've already listed them.  Sound very tasty.

Sorry. I must be mixing you up with someone else, Canary.

Where do you get them from, canary?  I've not heard of hot smoked trout and watercress.

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Yum Yum

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