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Rosie29 | 16:56 Sun 18th Jun 2023 | Food & Drink
15 Answers
My favourite is a Negroni. I don't mix it myself or any other cocktail for that matter.
But I've found a ready to drink one which I think is excellent - much better than other Negronis I've tried.
What I'm asking is can any of the cocktail drinkers among you recommend any other cocktail which is ready to drink ? Margaritas Cosmopolitan Mai Tai etc
Thanks for any thoughts.


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I never buy ready to drink, but I do make my own Margaritas, Old Fashions, Mojitas, Espresso Martinis, Manhattans and Lemon Drops. Tonight, I'm making Sgroppino, though I have to swap out the lemon sorbet for raspberry.

I believe most of the premixed are good, but they are too low in alcohol for me and quite high in sugar. Buy whatever's on offer and see which ones you like the best.
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Wow Rocky - I'm impressed - I've never heard of Scroppi - must investigate

I must admit. I found it last week and it looks lovely. But as I said, our useless Tosco only had raspberry or mango sorbet. So I've gone with raspberry. I'll let you know what it's like.
My favourite is a white lady and you can’t buy them ready made. I have tried a porn star martini premix from M &S but it wasn’t that good.
Ooh! White Lady sounds lovely and I have all the ingredients. It sounds a bit like a Lemon Drop but with gin instead of vodka.
I might have a headache in the morning ;0)
White lady was a ‘ladies’ drink in the 1920’s -they must have had quite a capacity for alcohol as they are quite strong. One or two sipped before dinner was the norm. (hic)!

BTW no egg white is needed, it’s not in the original recipe which is equal amounts of gin, triple sec or Cointreau, fresh lemon juice. Shaken with ice and strained into martini glass.
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Thanks so much everybody. Lovely answers x
My Good Lady is rather partial to Funkin' Pina Coladas; says they're better than I can make. Don't know how to take that comment. :))
Only cocktail I will have is a Bloody Mary. Home made.
Cointreau Fizz is refreshing and only needs Cointreau, Lime Juice and Soda Water.
I like a Caesar which is like a bloody mary but uses vodka,clamato juice and celery salt
Depending on the season and what I fancy ...

Rum punch
Dark & stormy

Yes, I like rum cocktails! But I also like a gin and tonic, not a cocktail but just lovely most times ...
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Thanks everybody x
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