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damn savages

When I first heard of this story on the radio it reminded me of Tony Handcocks' the Blood donor.

A pint that's nearly an armful, I don't want to walk about with a soggy arm... or a soggy anything.

TTT - what is your boozing history? just askin'


Drink two-thirds a pinta a milk a day doesn't have the same ring.


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18:55 been a drinker most of my life. I was in IT which does have that culture. I can pouch a fair bit but I'm not an alcoholic. I rarely drink at home, usually if someone comes round. Mainly drink Friday night, saturday afternoon,  have a couple at lunch time most weeks, not every day. Played darts, snooker, pool, cribbage, table football for club/pub teams over the years so drank a bit then. Basically I drink when I'm out.

You may be aware that I am on the wagon for September. Been working out getting fitter, not really missed it.

It's just another con. a) it will likely mean folk don't notice the price hike per volume. b) it will be known that folk will get more rounds in during such an evening so they'll likely sell more volume anyway.


That said, it may backfire if folk are likely to get peed off with the dive that tries it on, and go elsewhere instead.

Serve beer in smaller glasses, people tend to drink less.

It's another one of those studies from the people that research into the bleedin obvious methinks.

What's the betting the price will go up. Ie shrinkflation.

Just brew your own, I do.  Once you gt past the initial failures you can brew some fine stuff if you have the kit.

The academics seem to have missed that you dont have to buy beer in pints, we have this little glass called a half.

'Academics' were fine before everything else was solved, now they're just a nuisance.

Interesting - Labour against it, Tory in favour.

Gawd 'elp us. I thought we took back control to stop this kind of thing. What was the point if the 5cs are WAU?

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