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Khandro | 16:22 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | News
42 Answers

Are they suitable for a British Prime Minister ?



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But would you?

You'll have to wait until he's taken his dreadlocks out.

We don't know what like he looks anyway so he could post a complete stranger's image and we'd be none the wiser.

"Do you have an opinion as to whether a beard is appropriate for a British Prime Minister?"

It doesn't seem to go with the job. Plenty of moustaches and "mutton chps" but the only beaarded PM I can find is Robert Gascoyne-Cecil,  the 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, who had three goes at it in the 1880s aand 90s.

High time we had another then.

Do you think Kemi will oblige ?

I know what khandro looks like.  He doesn't have dreadlocks.

Unkempt hair was one of Bojo's trademarks.  

After that who could complain about dreads?

//Whatever they are called they look disgusting, & can't be clean.  //

Why do you think people with dreadlocks / braids don't wash their hair ?

The very last thing that worries about Kemi Badenoch is her dreadlocks

^^^ what's the first thing ?

Khandro, these are dreadlocks

The lady you refer to has neat, clean braidsm

Did you never see Bo Derek in 10?

-- answer removed --

///I'm waiting for the first person to call me a racist///


That ship sailed long ago.

Lots of instructions online for washing braids. So I'm sure her braids aren't totally disgusting. 

This is bringing a whole new meaning to ethnic cleansing.

That hair style takes a lot of looking after.  Her hair is clean.

Hairstyle is not something I consider when pondering on the qualities of a potential party leader

Maybe something less time consuming while she's seeking high office would be appropriate then.

They're all supposed to be working inCREDibly hard, not primping and preening.

KHANDRO, I deleted your post because the title of the image in the showed your real name which is not advisable.

I am posting your comment below without the link.


You can shampoo & clean free-flowing hair, but you can't clean inside a piece of rope.

Boris Johnson's hair sandy, was (contrived to be) unruly, but there was no doubt as to its cleanliness.

I'm waiting for the first person to call me a racist 😄

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What the actual?

The end is nigh.

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