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where can i get the rules for the spinning game called - tell me quiz -

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eck5050 | 20:54 Tue 29th Dec 2009 | Gaming
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I used to have this game! Basically you should have topic cards, and you spin the spinner until it stops at a letter, then you have to think of as many things as possicle within your category that begin with the chosen letter. I think that's the basic rules anyway!
One person is the 'spinner' (we pass it round the circle so everyone get's a turn at guessing)
The person picks a card, spins the spinner and reads "Tell me a.........beginning with......" the first person to come up with an answer wins the card. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
The spinner is the judge for any answers causing arguments.
The top category on the card is considered easier, choose either top or bottom before the game starts.
If no-one guesses the card goes to the bottom of the pile to be re-played when it comes back up.

Brilliant game!

Scanned a copy on here:

Thank you for your selflessness and for always putting others before yourself.

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where can i get the rules for the spinning game called - tell me quiz -

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