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Spectator N0 2674 - New Crop By Lavatch

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Matakari | 08:14 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
14 Answers

Good morning, a great crop of clues for which I seek some help. I’ve got the first part of the unclueds. Many thanks in advance!

34a            Asian plant in undergrowth I risked turning (5) : ????H

42a            New map with facts for health facilities (3,5) : ?AT?A??S

1d               Idiot cycling around getting skittle (7) : ?E?????

21d            Father in empty garage with superior clothing (8) : ?EGE?T??

22d            Members warning politicians about money (9) : ??RE??MBS



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34 Reversed in the clue.

42 A simple anagram ('new')

1 Headpin

21 Begetter  - Better with G(arag)E inside.

22 Forelimbs

Question Author

Many thanks, NACW! I got 21 and 22, but could not parse them. The last clue that stumps me:
 4 A school’s maintaining soft features (7) : AS?E???



22 parsed as

Forelimbs (members) = fore (golf warning) + m(oney)"in" Libs (politicians)

Question Author

Thanks, Toorak and JJ109, the hunt is on now for the final 7d!

Glad you fared reasonably well with this one, Matakari. I'm sure you'll be delighted if you get the final 7D totally unaided! 

Question Author

Many thanks, NACW, my review of the Unclueds suggests that the final 7d should be the four-letter  fruit. Am I correct?

That's not what I have, Matakari. My highlighted word, totally thematic, is not one of the unclued entries and has five letters. (I could be wrong, of course - that's not unknown!)

Question Author

Ok, NACW, I misconstrued the instruction, it's within the grid! Thanks again!

Good, Matakari - I couldn't see  how you'd settled on the four-letter fruit, so I guessed you'd misread or misinterpreted what we'd been told!

I get the thinking behind the unclueds, but it seems a sombre theme to take as a starting point. I couldn't help wondering if Lavatch knew what the song was actually about.
Anyway, could I ask for help with 42A, please? New maps with facts for health facilities ??? ???PS. Thank you.

Boethius, my 'that's an anagram' hint obviously didn't help, so I'll send you off to the Fat Camps!

Silly me! Thanks NACW

Boethius, glad I could help.

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Spectator N0 2674 - New Crop By Lavatch

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