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Bbc Quiz : Week 40

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Buenchico | 20:02 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Hello again!


I managed a reasonable start this week, with FIVE out of seven in the main quiz:


However I could only score TWO out of five in the junior one:


How will YOU do, I wonder?



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An abysmal 2/7 in the main quiz, but a better 3/5 in the Junior one.

I noted that for the Haka question, 67% of the respondents gave the same (wrong) answer as me πŸ˜€

Not good.

2 and 3 

Evening Chris.






Hope this finds you well  ; ))

I'm nearly ashamed to post my score tonight.  3 and 1.

Still, the night's not a total disaster, the cats have started snuggling up together.  They must be feeling the colder weather.

5/7 (3 guesses) & 3/5

Good Evening, Chris! Oh dear! Not so good this week!

3/7, 2/5

My excuse is that I was in middle of sorting out the packing!

Off on our travels soon but not sure what type of clothing we all need as weather looks fairly dreadful with rain most days by look of things. Hope it will pick up. At least the garden at home will have been well watered when we get back. 

Will have to pack the wellies and brollies! 

What have you and the kitties been uo to? Hope you have some lovely events or activities  planned and wishing you all  a wonderful week ahead :-)


Question Author

Having set many quizzes, Canary42, I know that there's an art to leading people towards an incorrect answer in multi-choice questions!

Well done on being a better kid than me this week, anyway!


I see that you're also a bigger kid than me, Clover!


Thanks for allowing me to sneak head of you (twice over!) this week, Sam. 

Apart from being stressed out by the demands of my three cats, I'm fine, thank you.  I hope that you're well too!


Hi, Sandy!

At least you avoided any zero scores!

It's good to hear that your feline companions are now snuggling up together.  My lot seem to be moving into winter mode too, with Chequers and Tablo vying for space on my knee!

Question Author

Well done, Lie-in King.  Top of the table, as always!


Hi, Karamia!

'Passable scores from you, anyway, I think!

I hope that 'well watered' (in terms of your garden) doesn't end up meaning 'completely flooded'!

I also hope that the lousy weather won't spoil your break too much.

The cats and I are bumbling along much the same as ever.  Moonbeam is still being his normal (i.e. weird) self, demanding fuss from me as soon as I step outside but never venturing very far inside the house.  (He's currently sleeping on the inside doormat.  It can't be particularly warm or comfy for him but at least he's out of the rain).  Tablo constantly demands to be picked up and made a fuss of, with Chequers insisting on being on my knee (or on top of me when I'm in bed) nearly all of the time.

I've not got much planned for the coming week but my friend from Italy will be here for a few days, so we'll probably meet up in a pub to put the world to rights and to do a crosswod or two.

5/7 v 2/7

2/5 v 1/5

American football and Strictly aren't really News

I have been looking on line for a new lovely feline and have applied to adopt a super black cat called Shara. Only applied this evening, so she may have gone.                             ..;height=400&rnd=133602496467970000

Don't know if this works, I'm hopeless at links (but I make a brilliant fish pie - even I like it)

Hope you're not too smothered catwise with the onset of cooler weather....



Question Author

I think that 'Oops!' is probably the best thing for me to say about your scores this week, Haras2! πŸ˜Š

The only cat that I've ever adopted from a rescue shelter was called 'Sharka', which is only one letter different to the beautiful girl that you're hoping to have in your life! She looks absolutely gorgeous!  (Black cats are, apparently, the hardest to re-home but I think that they're lovely).  I really, really hope that you'll get her!

I'm typing this with one hand, as the other is currently being used as a pillow by Chequers, who's on my knee πŸ±

Well Buen, you'll be the first to know if I'm successful,here's hoping...

Question Author

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you, Haras2!

🀞 πŸ€ž πŸ€ž πŸ€ž πŸ€ž πŸ€ž πŸ€ž πŸ€ž πŸ€ž πŸ€ž πŸ€ž πŸ€ž πŸ€ž πŸ€ž πŸ€ž 

Thanks Buen,

I really do like the 1 white whisker - so coool !

Repeated emojis Chris ! - you'll have naomi after you πŸ˜€

Oh dear!  All the 3s!  3/7 and 3/5 - including guesses.  :(

Well done with your aggregate of 7, Buen.  Hope all are well.

We had a torrid start to the week when Tyke, back from kennels, decided to spread an upset tummy all around the through living/dining room............    Took hours with a scrubbing brush and disinfectant!  He and we are fine now. :)

Question Author

Hi Jourdain2!

Decent enough scores from you, anyway, I feel!

I've just made a mental note not to read your posts whle eating a meal!  (I hope that Tyke is fully recovered and receiving loads and loads of fuss from you!).

Have a good week!

All the 4s, droopy drawers.

4/7 main quiz - not up to scratch with my Rugby with padding and helmets, nor strangers' weddings.

4/5 jnr quiz - i've watched a lot of Youtube vids on the Household Cavalry but i have never heard that particular horse's name mentioned. One of the names quoted did stand out because it is one of the more mischevious ones. Which one? I gave you a clue with my opening sentenceπŸ˜‰


4 and 4

Not enough football questions, well I tried.

Main: 4/7
Jnr: 2/5

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Bbc Quiz : Week 40

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