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When I Got A Companion Kitten For My Cat I..

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sandyRoe | 15:49 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | Animals & Nature
14 Answers

...also bought another litter tray.

The new kitten Cookie, refuses to use it, preferring the shower tray.  I suppose it could be worse, doing his business on the carpet for example.

How could I get him to go where he should?



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Put the litter tray in the shower.

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Good idea, Tilly2.

I'll give it a try.

You probably need to demonstrate.

Put the litter tray in the shower tray and move it away to where you want it, bit by bit and day by day.

I have never had a cat by the way so feel free to disregard that suggestion.

It might be the cat litter that he doesn't like.

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The cat litter is Catsan, like small pebbles.

First I'll move the tray and if that doesn't work I'll try another type of litter.

Fill the shower tray with that litter - if he doesn't use it, then problem solved 😁

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I couldn't do that.  I'd be reduced to doing my ablutions at the kitchen sink with a soapy flannel.

Last time I did that the neighbours complained.

Is it scented? Try pet pads around the litter tray. Are you sure the first cat is not using kitty's tray. 


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I've just now heard the adult cat scratching the litter in the kittens tray.  So she's using them both.

It's no great problem but I'd prefer the trays were used.

When it looks like the kitten is 'doing his business' pick up and put him on the litter tray.

I think I'd rather my cat went in the shower tray. Just pick up and carry on.

When I first got my rescue boy, I got a litter that's made to attract kittens... or any confused moggy. It worked. 🐈‍⬛

If the adult cat is using both that could be why the kitten doesn't want to use it. Despite our best efforts cats often don't like to live and share with other cats. It's pot luck.

I believe the cat to litter tray ratio 1:1 plus 1. You need a 3rd tray sandy.

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