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Wordle October 6Th

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JJ109 | 23:48 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
26 Answers

Good Morning - Phew!

Wordle 1,205 6/6


Congratulations to SharonA and also to Ellipsis who both solved yesterday's in 2!



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Wordle 1,205 5/6






Mirning JJ and all 🤗🐨.

nearly phew for me too 🤪

wasn't sure if Americans knew this word

Wordle 1,205 2/6


Wordle 1,205 3/6


Morning from UK.

Wordle 1,205 4/6









Wordle 1,205 4/6






Wordle 1,205 3/6


Wordle 1,205 3/6


Wordle 1,205 5/6


Wordle 1,205 3/6


Wordle 1,205 4/6*






Wordle 1,205 3/6


Wordle 1,205 4/6


Wordle 1,205 4/6*


Wordle 1,205 2/6


Wordle 1,205 3/6


Wordle 1,205 5/6


I am just curious as to what strategies people use here as I'm trying to improve my average which is stuck at 4.0 after hundered of games (after counting my very occasional failures as 7).

In today's I started well and had 4 greens after 2 lines.


But I could see 3 possible options for the middle letter. Should I have 'wasted' line 3 by trying a completely different word so I could identify the remaining letter and get a certain 4? Or is it ususally better to gamble in the hope of getting a 3? I picked the options in the wrong order and ended up with 5.

What do others do- gamble or play safe? I guess from all the 2s I see on here most days that quite a few gamble

Wordle 1,205 5/6



Here are my stats  

1  x  1

2  x  23

3  x 102

4  x 149

5  x91

6   29


Pressed something too early there

Here are my stats  after 400

1  x  1

2  x  23

3  x 102

4  x 149

5  x 91

6  x 29

7  x   5

Question Author

newmodarmy - If I know that I shall get it within 6, (liketoday) then I gamble! If I have 2 goes left and 4 options then I waste a go to ensure completion on the last go!

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Wordle October 6Th

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