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I Assume Plod Will Be Arresting Those Supporting Hezbollah.....

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ToraToraTora | 09:33 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | News
12 Answers

It is illegal to carry placards supporting proscribed terror organisations.



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Your own link says 2 were arrested for carrying said items.

"Of the 17 arrests, police said three people had been arrested for assaulting an emergency worker, three for assault, eight for public order offences (four racially aggravated), one for a breach of Public Order Act conditions and two for supporting a proscribed organisation." 

Two have already been arrested for supporting a proscribed organisation so there's no reason to think the same won't happen at a later date to those who can be identified.

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09:44 great, I assume they'll get the similar jail time to those who supported their own country the other week.

What folk from the other week do you mean?

You mean the rioters attempting to burn down hotels Tora? Those patriotic pillars of society?

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No I mean those protesting against the Islamification and invasion of our country.

And what were they arrested for Tora? I'm assume it wasn't a peaceful process?

Still no charges for the assault on police at Manchester Airport.

Question Author

They were arrested on the orders of our anti semitic government for daring to object to the invasion and islamification of our country.

And how did those protests manifest themselves Tora?

What sentences were imposed on those folk from the other week?

By, "the other week", do you mean two month ago which to me at least, is further back in time to, "the other week"?

In what way is attacking the police, setting fire to police vehicles arson and looting, similar to displaying a placard supporting a banned terrorist organization?

How does looting and arson demonstrate those involved are unhappy with "the Islamification and invasion of our country."?


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I Assume Plod Will Be Arresting Those Supporting Hezbollah.....

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