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T W A U ... The Chase....

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ToraToraTora | 14:33 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
30 Answers

Q: What planet does a Joviacentric moon orbit?

A: Mars!




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I reckon at least 90% of people won't have heard the term Joviacentric or Jovian before, but I think most would have guessed J for Jovian so J for Jupiter

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I think most people have heard of Jovian.

Never heard of it.  Questions getting harder on The Chase methinks...

>>> I think most people have heard of Jovian

I'd be prepared to bet on fewer than 1% of the UK adult population knowing the word.

More may have heard  'Jovial', which would give a clue.

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19:49 come on it's common knowledge, surely!


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I think my superpower is kicking in again.

Here's a suggestion. Go down your local high street & ask the first 20 people you meet "What does joviacentric mean?".

Let us know how you get on...

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I'm talking about the general term "Jovian" meaning Jupiter. People may not have heard the term Joviacentric but they know what Jovian means and what centric means thus the answer is obvious.

Hope, never heard of the term before. Might've guessed it because of the J though. 

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perlease! Mozz you have never heard of jovian? Right oh!

he do go on don't heπŸ™„

//Questions getting harder on The Chase//

I don't watch it but I caught 5 mins where a guy went for £83k and got caught. His questions were pretty obscure, I wouldn't have got them.


I've never heard of Jovian, not had my wife.

Why would you expect folk to know that Jove is another name for Jupiter?

TTT thinks everyone should have a detailed knowledge of the classics & the solar system but I think he's deluded.

I think he needs to come down to earth and live in the real world 🌎 

By Jove, what a mix of opinions!

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11:05 well I must admit I am often shocked by the lack of general knowledge in people. I must have had an unusally thorough education. I can remember in my junior school having wall charts all around the room of all sorts of things. I was very interested in space stuff so I guess I picked that up early.

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