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Should I Change Hairdresser?

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abbeylee90 | 15:36 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Shopping & Style
49 Answers

So my hairdresser I currently go to I catch 2 buses as I use to go there when I lived in my old house but I feel bad changing in a way as we are close and I been going to him for so long but he is expensive like £165 for full hea highlights & cut but want root touch up next which is £135 with cut with this other one Im looking at.



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You could always do what one of my daughters does and "Ask Daddy to pay".  Even if you are married with two kids and a husband!🙄

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I looked and there's one with nothing until next year

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Young he won't 

Who hasn't got an appointment until next year?

When next in town or near any local hairdresser - walk into some salons.  Get price lists, look around. If interested ask about availability - I'll bet that they come up with something in the near future.

Abbey, what you do with your money is your own business, of course - but I'll be less sympathetic the next time you mention being keen to get a place of your own! Just think of the deposit you could have built up by now...

I need to get stronger!

YMB  Didn't Sampson grow his hair to do that?

Headmasters used to have training salons where the staff are learning, and they don't charge as much.  Check them out.  If a junior does your hair it is always cheaper.    My local Toni & Guy, after Covid, started charging £195 for highlights, double the price of before Covid, without a cut or blow dry.  Needless to say I don't go there anymore.

Abby Headmasters Academy doesn't seem to be in Wales, is that where you are from?  Just get a junior somewhere.

Snap Smurfchops.  I stopped going to Toni & Guy after covid.  Just a distance thing really.   Got to say though, no one beats them.

Naomi I loved going there, the staff were so friendly, but they were taking the proverbial and when I go past now it doesn't look busy ... however I have found another salon for highlights, no cut, and they just dry it off but don't charge, and it looks just like a blow dry.  This is with the owner and they charge £75. 

As has been mentioned, good hairdressers usually are looking for models for training days (a local one here advertises this) - and the cost is a fraction of the usual charge.

//Didn't Sampson grow his hair to do that?//

No chnce of that, total slaphead me :-)

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I went to toni and guy before was expensive 

£165...... for a hairdo

More money than brains!


I can give you a hair cut like Britney or Sinead for £50 plus expenses

This one is an award-winning salon, but his prices are nowhere as high as you say you are paying.  I reckon he is taking advantage.

you say : I feel bad changing in a way as 'we are close ''and I been going to him for so long " 

Why feel bad if he is overcharging and far away from where you live ? Just move

Mine is £12 for a cut and wash. That includes a £5 search fee!  🤣

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