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The One Time I Hope Boris Is Telling The Truth.

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gulliver1 | 10:11 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | News
55 Answers

Boris Johnson says Keir Starmer is determined to rejoin the EU, and it will be a disaster for the UK..The disgraced ex Tory PM also says Starmer is prepared to put the Brexit years behind us ahead of meetings with Ursula von der Leyen and more European Parliament members.Go for it Sir Keir. Get the UK back into the EU.United we stand divided we fall.



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The only disaster that the UK is still suffering from is the last 3 con PMs, Boris needs to go and play on the beach with his bucket and spade because no one is listening to his waffle any longer. Just do what you have to do SK to limit the damage done by these past 3 idiots.
10:59 Mon 07th Oct 2024

Like youngTorabog? 😄

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TSM 14.29 Anyone who voted Brexit thinks Britain can stand alone. That's why they voted leave.

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Douglas 14.40 .Nice one.  Deserves best answer of the day.

Gulliver what a pile of doody.  You wouldn't know why most voted to leave as you are too immature to understand and always just come back with the one answer you think is right when everyone else knows there was more than one reason.  Grow up little boy.

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Most Brexiteers now admit they did not know what they were voting for  but they believed the BS that Boris and his Cronies came up with.Does that include you TSM.

Jesus, Gulliver, get a grip, you lost, it's over, move on.

No gulliver I did not get taken in by Boris but I believed Cameron even less.  I notice no apology for the lie you said earlier gulliver but then I wouldn't really expect one from you.

You got a few of the words wrong there. If I may correct that...


"Most Labour voters now admit they did not know what they were voting for, but they believed the BS that Starmer and his Cronies came up with."

Gulliver. Both your statements at 14.44 and 15.26 are your opinion and, like always, you provide no evidence to proof your ludicrous postings.  Have you evidence of these 2 postings? Like always I'm betting not. Just a figment of your immature mind.

gramps85, he even made up his post at 14.16 as I have never said anything like it.

I refer the honourable ladies and gentlemen to the answer I gave at 12.27. 

tsm. re-read your post of 14.16 and you are quite right. 

And arrods. I take your point but when I meet a habitual liar I cannot help but call them out.

god Gullz, you can stir up the usual suspects ! - otherwise quiet sleepers who let the world go by


Nicebloke and gulliver are probably the same person.

this is one of TTT's  idees fixes - no I think they are two people

Starmer will try and take us back into the despicable self-serving EU only so that he doesn't take the blame for when, due to his incompetence, the country goes *** up.


"Weren't me guvnor, it were the EU's fault our economy was trashed"

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Think Starmer should borrow a JCB  from  Lord Bamford, a white builders helmet plus a high vis vest and smash through the Brexit 🤣😎

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