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Work Related Question.

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johnny.5 | 11:46 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Business & Finance
7 Answers

the company  I work for is being bought by a bigger company.

will I automatically lose all the extra benefits or will the new company have to compesate me for any loses ?



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anyone ?

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thank you for the link

but I have been told that any other benefits like bonus scemes and SIP scemes will not be protected under TUPE . Is this correct ?

You probably need to ask your HR what the deal is.

There are certain benefits that are not covered by TUPE but I can't find a definitive list. 

Best to call ACAS for a bit of independent advice.

You probably need to ask your HR what the deal is.

no - your union

HR ( a dept of your employer) has an interest in minimising any financial deal

cosidering the absolute dross on AB today - as a demon coocler ( ask a mod!) I thought I wd seek those right not covered by TUPE

Under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE Regulations), transferring employees retain any contractual benefits they were entitled to under the previous employer, such as holidays, bonuses and commission schemes, enhanced family leave schemes, and enhanced redundancy pay.13 Sept 2023

I tried " what is not covered by TUPE" but that only discusses when TUPE does not apply to a take over

"what rights are not covered....." raises the same sites

So I think you have to make a list of the rights of the old employer ( tree hugging days, right to cuddle a soft toy, ) and specifically  ask.

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