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Hammond Quiz 2024

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vonjon | 18:42 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers

answers are characters.

I have 4 left any help please

55. It's very quiet around india

58. listen, it's a long way to go for a drink

81. she should take a bow for playing this

106. with hindsight, alaska has a point with georgia

thank you






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There is a list of the names to choose from so which ones have you left?

55 Pip

from Great Expectations^^^^

81. sounds like it might be a violinist. What answers do you have left?

106 kanga

81 viola?

81 Viola .....Twelfth Night

Question Author

oops that would help

ali baba





58 fagin - far gin

I have Ali Baba for another question.

This when you realize an answer that made sense days ago is wrong and you need to spot where you've gone wrong.

I have Ali Baba for clue 3

Question Author

thanks for your help 

THECORBYLOON are the other 3 answers given correct then?


Question Author

i had viola for clue 3 thanks thecorbyloon

They're correct 

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Hammond Quiz 2024

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