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How Many More Stupid Debates.

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nicebloke1 | 10:19 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
31 Answers

Is this bloke Jeremy Vine off his trolly. Just switched on tv to see the news and it happened to be tuned into his crap. The debate is going to be about ( should fish and chip shops be forced to sell fruit and veg)  what a load of poppycock.



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YesandWe get what we deserve on the telly
10:22 Tue 08th Oct 2024

And speaking of selling - I don't buy that excuse.

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Whatever. Now gone fishing. You got to know when to finish on AB or you end up wasting a whole day of your life with tit for tat.:0)

Ah, the barter system. 😉

My God you're grumpy (I knew that already).

Is there any evidence that anyone is forcing anyone to sell specific items?

@11:39...but you were blaming JV, said he was off his trolley! Oh, and mentioned 'his crap'. Make up your mind. 🙄

Yes, there is, Atheist.

"Health authorities have demanded a firm condition for a proposed chippy in Gwynedd: it must offer a "good selection" of fruit and veg to get the green light. They are adamant that it should stock items lower in fat, salt, and sugar and present "healthy alternatives that are fresh and affordable". "

Thanks, Barry. If the proposed chippy is seeking planning permssion, I doubt if the planning authority would be able to sustain a condition about what is sold there.

Jimmy Carrs chippy in Ancoats (no, not THAT Jimmy Carr) used to sell sheets of ribs and there was sawdust on the floor too. Those were the days, Portion of chips = 3d. 😄

The discussion was  whether new fish/chip shops should sell healthy veg. as well .Something that the  NHS had been debating a few days earlier.

This is a very good programme. Panel members have opposing viewpoints and members of the public telepnone in with their opinions on  items in the current news. 

So can we expect to see greengrocers selling fish and chips next.

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