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Time To Get Your Covid 19 And 'Flu Jabs.

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Tilly2 | 14:38 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
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Don't forget.



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The flu jab we have is the same all over the World. Its content is agreed upon by WHO. The data produced is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who funded and conducted a three-year study. If they wanted to produce false data why take 3 years and spend big momey when they could have just done what the eco loons do and take old date and alter it? I will carry on looking under the stones I think. You keep your head in the sand. It will be safe there. 

very very good thread: I am  surprised it hasnt been scrapped or hidden away in "a much  better" dump

 which is why my muscles hurt. - good description of trauma localisation (used to explain why conscript tommies in Egypt 1950s had more paralysis from polio than the stay  at home teddy boys)

I believe I have found the research on which the 65% increased risk is based and this is the link to the American report,

I am not technically minded in these things but looking at the research, they studied the after-effects of the flu-jag among those aged eighteen and over and those aged under eighteen during a  three-year period.

They looked at the, “hazard ratio” (HR) of non-influenza respiratory pathogens found in those who had had the jag compared to those who hadn’t.

In the Results, it states,

“Of the 999 participants, 68.8% were children, 30.2% were adults. Each study season, approximately half received influenza vaccine and one third experienced ≥1 ARI. The hazard of influenza in individuals during the 14-day post-vaccination period was similar to unvaccinated individuals during the same period (HR 0.96, 95% CI [0.60, 1.52]). The hazard of non-influenza respiratory pathogens was higher during the same period (HR 1.65, 95% CI [1.14, 2.38]); when stratified by age the hazard remained higher for children (HR 1·71, 95% CI [1.16, 2.53]) but not for adults (HR 0.88, 95% CI [0.21, 3.69]).” [Emphasis added]

If I read it correctly, the 65% increase refers to the “HR 1.65” (meaning the hazard was 1.65 times higher) which I take to be for the whole sample.

It states that when looking at the hazard ratio by age it, “remained higher for children... but not for adults”

As indicated earlier, I might be wrong but I think the alleged increase in risk doesn’t relate to adults but feel free to contradict me.


I wasn't going to bother this time but then I caught Covid for the first time three weeks ago. I don't want that again so will have the jabs.

Haven't had flu for over 60 years.

I got my flu/covid reminder a couple of weeks ago, but haven't got round to booking it yet.  I am always a little bit nervous about the Covid jab ever since my brain clot TIA although the practice nurse assured me it was unrelated.

signed up this morning - felt a bit guilty at my slowness.

The dentist had said " you better go to a secondary centre ( = toof Hospital)[Christ] to have this 6 out.

and I said - "no you can do it here. You just get a pair of  pliers and close your eyes. Oh by the way I have no white cells"


I tried to give the whole of Christie Hospital Covid a few weeks ago ( no for chrissakes I didnt know until 5 d later)

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Anyone recently had their flu jabs and suffered from adverse effects?

We had ours today Tilly, one jab in each arm, so probably too early to tell yet. Normally just get a bit of a sore arm with the flu jab, Covid ones have caused us both to be a tad under the weather for a day or two, nothing too drastic.

How about you Tilly, any reaction?

We all had ours yesterday, slightly achy arm for my wife but nothing to complain about.

My husband and my dad have both had flu and Covid jabs over the past 2 days. No problems at all. 

Next week for 'flu jabs for us.

Cloverjo - your husband and dad were fortunate.  OH still suffers the aftereffects of his covid jab -  if he is run-down, the horrible red-turning-black spotty rash reappears.  He is an officially logged reactor to Covid jab, photographed, yellow carded, you name it!

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