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The Hardacres - Channel 5 Tonight

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naomi24 | 19:00 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers

I read the books years ago and enjoyed them.  Whether the series is any good remains to be seen, but for anyone who likes a family saga it might fit the bill.  



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Is this the programme trailed with the 'plain speaking' Yorkshirewoman?

I'm recording it

It was on last night 

Jury's out on this at the moment, see what the next one is like. But liked how she knee'd Mr Shaw where it hurts.

Watched Ep. 1 last night...quite enjoyed it. You may need subtitles because the dialogue wasn't that clear particularly in the first half.

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I'm recording it.  I've not watched any yet.

Carol Midgely in The Times described the series as "untaxing, escapist fare".

Anita Singh in The Daily Telegraph described it as "an old-fashioned taste of how TV used to be”.




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The Hardacres - Channel 5 Tonight

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