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granny grump | 21:22 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

A genuine  question. Why won't people give the name of the quiz; the closing date and the actual number of the quiz question? I really like to help if I can but it isn't easy



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Your guess is as good as mine

The question is still the same with, or without, that information.

Annoys me as well.

I don't mind as long as I have the number of letters and the theme, if there is one

I am always reminding people to do that and to follow the Answerbank guidelines. I think it is polite to thank people as well. 

So they can get answers before answerers are aware of which quiz it is, especially "no asking" quizzes.

Or perhaps I am too cynical?

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Thank you all for your comments. It's just that I want to help if I am doing the quiz and if folk give these details it makes it easier. I have a lot of quizzes on the go at one time as it is my main hobby at the moment as my mobilty is restricted

Maybe because they ask when the quiz has been out for less than a week and it's 3 months until the closing date.

I agree totally with Madgeorge and Gill but also I think some people are too lazy to be bothered giving more details!!! They all annoy me and -yes Bluebell - people are very rude not to give thanks.  Off with their heads!!!!!

Yes, I frown on lack of thanks.  And I especially dislike TIA, having suffered one myself which permanently lost me  my driving licence.



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