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Starmers Rating Falls

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gramps85 | 08:58 Wed 09th Oct 2024 | News
18 Answers

It hasn't taken long for people to understand exactly what Starmer and the Labour Party stands for.  Their lead over the Tory's has dropped to just 1% and Starmers ratings are at an amazing MINUS 36%.  Things can only get worse for them with the impending gloom forecast for the October budget.



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It's being the bringer of glad tidings that keeps you going eh?

....funny that, people were warned. You'll struggle to find anyone who owns up to voting Labour. Canary did but then back tracked shortly after! Dumb and Dumber probably did mind.

Starmer- as useless as a wiper on a submarine.

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douglas. Its not really glad tidings as it shows just how much the people of this country are suffering under this government.


Same old thread day after day.

Can someone tell me what if anything so far the Labour party has done that benefits us or the country.  So far I can only see they have helped theirselves to freebies and their Union paymasters in giving them big rises.  As for us pensioners they seem to really have a downer on us.  

nicebloke just like yours and gulliver's then.

Same posters day in day. Gone fishing have a fun day?

Yes you and gulliver are always fishing.

Nicebloke 09.37 Have a nice days fishing .I must admit I am also having fun days basking in the sun, sipping Pina Coladas,whilst reading these  threads from disappointed Tory voters who still can't get used to the Idea that their beloved party has taken such a hammering. I dont think they can believe it.🤣But I can.🤣

when you get life long Labour supporters posting things like this you know there's a problem:

Yet the radicalised few like Nicebloke and gulliver still insist that all is rosy in the garden.

🤣Nicebloke Hope everthing is rosy in your garden, as it is in mine.🤣

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I see Gulliver, as long as you an your alter ego are happy, you don't care that the rest of us suffer under this freebie loving government.

Poor old gulliver.  All that hype for years, Labour finally get there - and it's instant disaster.  It can't be easy to accept you were wrong for so long,  That needs manning up to.

10:43's ok he's got his chum Nicebloke to stay deluded with. They can give each other BAs, hold hands and sing kumbaya!

gulliver how about telling us about the good things they have done as I asked at 09.35 or haven't you thought of any.  Maybe you just like the thought of everyone in the UK being used as cash cows for them.

I always said gulliver was too stupid to be one person...seems I was right.

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