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Another Lie By Two Tier Keir

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webbo3 | 16:58 Wed 09th Oct 2024 | News
13 Answers

He'll be saying he was a tool maker next



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Not the sharpest tool in the box!🤣

He really is a drip! 

Maybe his uncle was on the Belgrano.

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Lol ^

He didn't say it sank. List of British ships lost or damaged in the Falklands war:


 From the BBC, "

"The Labour leader revealed last year that his uncle served on HMS Antelope during the 1982 Falklands war with Argentina.

The frigate was hit by torpedoes and sank in the South Atlantic. Sir Keir's uncle survived, but two British servicemen died."


//Not the sharpest tool in the box!🤣//

He is a chiseler though.

//Starmer makes a fool of himself by saying his Uncle was torpedoed in the Falklands War.//

Maybe it was a giant sausage. One of those big bangers or something. 

-- answer removed --

TOGO, "Maybe it was a giant sausage. One of those big bangers or something."

"two 1,000lb bombs buried themselves in the ship; they failed to explode, but did kill Steward Mark Stephens.


As bomb disposal experts tried to disarm the explosives, one of the bombs detonated, killing Staff Sergeant Jim Prescott and seriously injuring one of his colleagues."

Two men died, hardly a joking matter.


He is the gift that keeps on giving (and taking).

I think I've got a new stalker.  🤣

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