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Auntypoll | 16:41 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
51 Answers

Why is it no longer possible to post a question on either of the above categories?



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ED must be on holiday since I've had no reply to my e-mail.

I apologise if you thought I was rude naomi.

Your email/call/custom is important to us...🤣

Hurrah - they've got it working again.

///Exactly the same as all the other cateogories.  User error, not a fault with the site///

You've missed the point - it was not, repeat not  just like all the other categories which is why we were complaining. Your dismissal as "user error" is not only highly presumptious, but actually quite rude (but a useful pointer to how you really feel about the users you are actually meant to support)

It has always been exactly like "the other categories"! The answer box does not appear until you enter a thread in any category. The site suggestions category has no answerbox because no questions (or threads if you like) have been enterered there. If you click in the Enter your question title  here box, the full text box appears with enter further question detail here. It has always been thus. 

User confusion perhaps. Maybe it's an age thing, or lack of online technique.  

Canary, it hasn't been fixed. It wasn't broken and was working as it always has

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Thank you for the replies including those very helpful ones and those suggesting I'm perhaps a geriatric with little knowledge of the internet 😂

with reference to emails regarding my avatar, my avatar does appear on my profile but not beside my posts. It's not a big deal but it's annoying admin can't be bothered to answer.

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Not surprised no one is answering emails at AB headquarters. Only one director remains in office and he's a young lad age 21.😂

You need to do your sums again, auntypoll

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Barry maths is not my specialist subject -sorry- the only director left ( 8 have resigned) is 31 . At that age he should be capable of answering emails sent by his loyal subjects 😊

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