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Farleigh Hospice 2024

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malpart | 23:11 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
7 Answers

49  Leave before you get hit?

56  Animal becomes partial to a tipple?  can answer be CATNIP?

Answers = food or drink??



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49. goulash  ? (if 7)
23:16 Tue 08th Oct 2024

Can you please give the letter counts?

49. goulash  ? (if 7)

56 catsup?

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49 [7]

56 [6]

49 is goulash   go - u - lash

I prefer catnip to catsup.  Catnip can be used to make a tea, and cats are very partial to it.  

Animal becomes partial to a tipple


if you write the clue without any spaces the drink MALBEC becomes apparent 

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Do you know the answer?

Farleigh Hospice 2024

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