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Do I Invite Other Friend Out?

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abbeylee90 | 21:31 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
38 Answers

Me and my friend are going out Friday to m&c and cinema but I just wondered if I should invite my friend who I mentioned doesn't bother with me on another thread.



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Abbey, did you mean to post that last comment on this thread? 

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No wrong thread sorry 

Your post seems to say you messsaged your hairdresser. Did you mean to say instead  that you had messaged one of your friends?

NMA, I expect that comment of Abbey's was meant to be on her hairdresser thread, she was posting there around the same time. 

Okay thanks. I'm surprised she knows where her hairdresser's apartment is and that she felt the need to text to tell her.



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I messaged her to say I was buy hers when I was going to a hairdresser for skin test and prices

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She makes me laugh anyway when it was my birthday I tried to plan 2 months before she said to far in advance to see if she got money then I messaged group 3 weeks before she said rota all ready done for her work and I didn't give her enough notice and asked my friend when is her birthday night out so she can book off work.

^You'll need to break that down into several sentences for me, Abbey.

So it was your friend you messaged, not the hairdresser?

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Yes my friend she don't live far from the hairdresser I went to

Abbey, you're getting really confusing now! You said 'the hairdresser I messaged her..' and I thought you meant you'd messaged the hairdresser. Did you actually mean you messaged the (former) friend to tell her you were nearby? If so, you were on the right thread anyway!

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Yes I messaged friend and said I'm not far from where she lives as that where the hairdresser I was going to is not far from her.

Abbey, thanks. You have shared a few stories about how the 'friend' is a bit of a pain, and I don't think you've said a single complimentary thing about her. I'm surprised you're wondering whether to even invite her along on Friday!

Are you talking about the friend who moved in with her boyfriend? The one you said this about?

//Yes she can do just one if all goes pair shaped as like I said since she moved in with her partner she haven't bothered with and my other friend she always use tp slag her off saying needy and now licks her a**//

Niche behaviour. 🙂

Abbey's posts really brighten up my day.  Great fun trying to decipher what she means.

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I haven't invited and neither has my friend asked if she can. I messaged her to hopefully if she continues speaking weather she in work I don't know.

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Scorpio when I was with my ex she said 'keep in touch with my friends or if you split up they won't bother with you'

Abbey, you've told us that four or five times -that remark obviously still bothers you ... and yet you still wonder whether you should include this 'friend'.

PS Although your friend may have been sincere with that remark, at the time,  there could well be other reasons why her friendship with you changed. You'll have to accept that at some point.

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Do I Invite Other Friend Out?

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