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Cheer Me Up With Your ‘Daft Things You’ve Done’ Stories!

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Smowball | 15:22 Wed 09th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

I know you lot can take my mind off this pain with your stories but I'll do mine first. 
 I bought a birthday card for my sister, along with several others. Posted it later that day. On my sisters actual birthday I get a message from her pop up on my fone. Expecting the usual thanku I opened it to read "Hi K...., Thanku for my lovely card - am sure it would have been even nicer if you'd written in it! And thanks for also leaving the price tag on just to show how much prices have gone up! 🤣".

Yep, I don't know what happened but I literally put the blank card, with price tag, into the envelope, wrote her address on it and then posted it! (I did put a stamp on it lol).



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About 20 minutes ago, I needed to refill the glass coffee container from the recyclable paper bag of coffee, so I very cleverly began filling the mug instead.  Luckily the mug was dry.

Not that bad, but definitely daft 😖

I hope whatever's ailing you eases off soon, Smow x

I ordered a chinese but the wrong one turned up but it was better than the one I had ordered so I kept it. Thankfully they wrote the menu numbers on the top of the containers so I could work out what it was and order that again. Never heard any more, I often wonder if the person that got mine was similarly happy with it!

I read abbeys threads 🙄😂

I make up stories to post on the internet.

After having a wee, I did up the buttons on my jockey shorts, only to discover when I was getting ready for bed that I had actually attached the bottom button of my shirt to my underwear. It was very painful when I pulled the shirt our of my trousers.

I was cooking some potatoes with broccoli and cauliflower in the steamer over them. They were to accompany two bake fish fillets in the oven.

I forgot to turn the oven in.

Vegetables with a dash of HP sauce make a surprisingly tasty tea.

I once struggled to the car park carrying a whole load of heavy bags and when I got there, my car (which I always parked in the same spot) was not there.  After the horror of having had my car stolen had subsided, I remembered I had parked it in the office car park that morning, knowing I would have a lot of heavy bags.  As I arrived back at the office, looking hot and bothered I was asked "Forgotten something?" "Yes", I replied, "my car".

One mistake which I've made more than once is to forget to put the paddle back in my breadmaker after cleaning it.  So with all the ingredients in it, it makes all the right noises throughout the process but does no mixing or kneading whatever, then bakes the resultant mess at the end. Nothing more disheartening than opening it up expecting a lovely newly-baked loaf and finding something which looks as though someone's vomited in it 😂

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lol, not just me then! I feel much better : )

Barmaid, now that IS something I would do! Did you end up walking to your office with it all??

I was making a cup of tea while deep thinking, went to the fridge and topped up the mug with coke instead of milk..

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Lol! Could be onto a new drink there!

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Just remembered - I was talking to a work friend on the fone about another guy in our team, who had done something that wasn't allowed & he was waiting a decision on it. Later on I heard an update on it, & decided to ring my friend to tell them, but decided to just leave them a voicemail so as not to disturb them if they were busy. I dialled the number, spoke literally about 5 words when I glanced at my fone screen and realised - I'd accidentally dialled the guy I was talking about!! Thank god I hadn't mentioned any names so I rapidly changed the message to one of me babbling  sheer gibberish for 60 seconds!! 

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