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Cheer Me Up With Your ‘Daft Things You’ve Done’ Stories!

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Smowball | 15:22 Wed 09th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

I know you lot can take my mind off this pain with your stories but I'll do mine first. 
 I bought a birthday card for my sister, along with several others. Posted it later that day. On my sisters actual birthday I get a message from her pop up on my fone. Expecting the usual thanku I opened it to read "Hi K...., Thanku for my lovely card - am sure it would have been even nicer if you'd written in it! And thanks for also leaving the price tag on just to show how much prices have gone up! 🀣".

Yep, I don't know what happened but I literally put the blank card, with price tag, into the envelope, wrote her address on it and then posted it! (I did put a stamp on it lol).



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On our wedding night, we were staying overnight at The Midland Hotel in Manchester. We inteneded leaving for our honeymoon the morning after. However, having checked in, we went down to the bar and asked the waiter to get everyone a drink on us, to help us celebrate our wedding. He said, I wouldn't advise that sir. Why not? Because everyone in here is on a convention from Alcoholics Anonymous. Oops! But we did buy them tea, coffee and soft drinks. Twas funny.

Then, the next morning, we were told we couldn't leave because of a bomb warning at Victoria Station and Manchester City centre was in a security lockdown. An explosive start to married life. But it was the same day that ABBA won Eurovision. Happy days!

Um, I wish I could Smow, but there's too many to post on hereπŸ€”πŸ˜’

You're not the only numbnut πŸ˜πŸ˜‡

A bit similar to Bazile .... parked car, went into bank, came out and back into unlocked car - noticed a loaf of brown bread on passenger seat - no, I hadn't been to bakery  .. realised wrong car and jumped out to see mine parked behind .. identical red Fiesta!

I've told this one before on here, but its been a while and some will not have seen it.

When i was about 10 or 11, i was staying with my aunt in Todmorden for a few days. She lived at the top of a steep hill in one of the 4 or 5 similar looking houses on the block. 

At the back of her house were some rocks that i enjoyed climbing and one day, while doing just that, i got the sudden urge to wee. So i quickly clmbed down the rocks, ran down the hill, ointo my aunt's house, up the stairs to the bathroom, and weed.

Then i came downstaors with the intention of getting a drink of water from the kitchen. When i entered the living room, 3 total  strangers sat staring at me with quizzical looks on their faces.

"Where's aunty Lil?" i asked.

"Next door where she lives, lad" came the answer, amid much laughter.

I filled my car up at an unfamiliar petrol station, paid, came out and couldn't see my car. After the initial panic, I thought 'I must have parked it somewhere else' so started off down the road to look for it. Then I realised 'I can't have parked it somewhere else. I just filled it with petrol' so sheepishly went back, hoping no one noticed my idiocy. 

I opened a pack of chocolate rollos. Having torn of the outer wrappng, I inadvertently threw the rollos in the bin, and went to eat the paper wraping.

I told a woman I'd got chatting to in a pub a very funny but risque story about my colleague, he did many things he shouldn't have done but topped it all that day.

Turned out she was his wife 😳

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