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A Planet Engulfs A Vehicle

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Runnerbean | 17:59 Wed 09th Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
20 Answers

I have seen an answer for this as Macaroon but a moon is not a planet. Does anyone think that the clue could be misleading ?

or does anyone have an answer of 8letters for A Planet engulfs a vehicle?



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Planet Def.

"" any of the large bodies that revolve around the sun in the solar system"

Miriam Webster. 

The moon is very much a planet. As are all the other moons in our solar system. Planets have been reclassified since the ancient Greeks first defined them. 

I can't think of a better answer. 

Plus seeing as we are in food and drink I will categorically state that our Moon in not made of cheese.  😉

Question Author

Thank you

I think you are saying that the clue is valid and the answer has definitely got a planet in it somewhere.

Runner bean, please post your crossword and quiz questions in the crossword or quiz category in future.  Lots of people who enjoy quizzes and crosswords will not see your posts otherwise 

And yes,the answer is macaroon

Surely the moon isn't a planet, it's a satellite orbiting a planet.

If "A Planet Engulfs A Vehicle" is the full clue, then M(a car)oon fits. It may well be that another combination, or interpretation, of "a vehicle" and planet fits. However like The Winner I cannot think of one.  

Moons are not classified as Planets as they do not orbit the Sun Independantly. So yes the clue is misleading

Question Author

Thank you will do , I am new to this site and thought that I had chosen th the quiz and puzzle section.

Hope you stick around, Runnerbean 🙂

Ditto Barry. She has raised a point of contention very early.( We like those on here)

//When is the moon not a moon? If a new proposal for defining planethood is adopted, the moon could be considered a planet in its own right.

The meaning of the word “planet” has been a sore point since 2006, when, after a hurried argument, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) adopted a definition demanding that a planet be nearly round and be massive enough to have accreted or flung away other objects in its orbital neighbourhood.//

That from 2015.

Moderator's note:
Please post quiz questions in 'Quizzes & Puzzles'.

'Food & Drink' is for recipe suggestions, etc.

See 18.16!

Is it our moon though, or are we half of a binary system ?


Anyway, crossword setters are notorious for not caring how tentative a link there is between the clue and it's answer.

"SMART-1 is Europe's first mission to the Moon. Scientists taking part will soon have a 21st Century view of our companion in space, which makes our connection with it more intimate than ever.

The Moon is already no longer seen merely as a satellite, but as Earth's daughter, forming a 'double planet'."

Crossword Setter's licence. No problem.

If the puzzle was compiled by a crossword-lover, the question  would seem totally fair and reasonable.  Chambers Dictionary (regarded as a 'Bible') says this of 'planet' - 'a heavenly body whose place among the fixed stars is not fixed (including sun and moon'. 

If Chambers believes the sun is a planet then maybe they need a third party to check their dictionary definitions.

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A Planet Engulfs A Vehicle

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