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I Admit I'm An Imbecile When It Comes To Matters...

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sandyRoe | 13:56 Wed 09th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

... technological. So, how could artificial intelligence harm mankind while we control the electrical supply?

If need be we could switch it off.



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We are nearly all interconnected, and so there is no one machine that could be switched off. Have you ever tried switching off adverts or the systems for collecting your data?

4 things here:

1) AI is really Psuedo Intelligence, essentially more complex programming allowed by ever increasing computing power and data storage availability.

2) "AI" is used by humans does a lot of harm by generating things like deep fakes etc. So humans choose to engage the facilities using electricity

3) Indeed most things can be unplugged but at some point they are plugged in, AI can wait.

4) Some things cannot be or are never unplugged, Nuclear power stations, the grid, defence systems etc and they can be affected by malware. Again even if they are off AI can wait.


"We are nearly all interconnected, and so there is no one machine that could be switched off. Have you ever tried switching off adverts or the systems for collecting your data?"

Well you can swich off the machine that portrays the adverts (TV, computer, phone, whatever).

But in any case, what physical harm does displaying adverts or collecting data cause?

But the whole point is we won't be controlling the electricity supply, AI will be. That's the big issue re AI (especially as it's fallible, being constructed by humans, so as per TTT's point it's pseudo-intelligence)

we can always switch off the power but AI(PI) can wait, that's the point.

Well you can't switch off commander Data ( well not easily)

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