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And that's more than their £22B black hole. They must be getting something wrong: already.


I pay far too much in taxes already. Governments of all shades need to sort themselves out at all levels.

Its's easy though isnt it.  Stop bloody spending.

Tell Millband to sling his hook, send the illegals back and clamp down on benefits.  Add a reduction to the bloated NHS and civil service and you have more than enough.

Dig deep people.

No Naomi, only employers and old people need to dig deep.

cancel the £11.6bn earmarked for foriegn "climate change" initiatives.

There are plenty of options TTT, but Sir 2TK and his cohorts put ideology above anything else so they will just tax the country into oblivion to achieve them.

In the imortal words of Frazer "We are doomed, doomed I tell ya".

YMB.  Doubt it.  One way or another, whatever she does will hit everyone.

Yes ulitmately, impact employers = impact all.


Labour cant see it though.

She has a black hole between her ears.

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Reeves May Need Tax Increases Worth £25 Billion

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